Moving Mama: Taking Care of Mother During Her Final Years With Alzheimer's

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Moving Mama is a practical resource for people caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease. The book tells about our family's experiences caring for our mother as she struggled with dementia. Each chapter includes stories focused on a theme, and ends with tips, tools and resources to help you deal with similar issues. Written with a light touch and a wry sense of humor, readers have called the book: "engaging, moving and informative;" "a compelling story that touched me deeply and personally;" and "wonderful, very insightful, honest and helpful." Chapters deal with issues including helping your parent or other loved one deal with finances, will and powers of attorney; managing changes in behavior; dealing with increased need for support; changing nutritional needs; handling "Sundowner's Syndrome" and many other topics. Here are some recent testimonials from readers and reviewers: "At its core, this story speaks of hope - despite all of the challenges Alzheimer’s presents." John Whorton Egan "Wonderful, very insightful, honest and helpful." Virginia Hall Busch "As the provider in past years to both my own mother and mother-in-law, and as a candidate myself with cognitive impairment, I found the book extremely helpful and would highly recommend it both as a valuable guide, as well as a boost to self-confidence in battling this very disabling disease." Michael Shimkin "This is a page-turner!" Jane A. Welch "A compelling story that touched me deeply, and personally." Claire Gullahorn Meador "I love it that you tell the story, and how to help." Nancy Dahl "Almost finished reading, have to force myself to stop! You have a winner here!" Vivian Waters "You have mastered the art of storytelling." Martha Ritchie "In addition to her unparalleled knowledge of the nonprofit world, Anne has an uncanny ability to zero in on what's most important, to accomplish top-quality work. She is fueled by high energy, an overriding passion for social justice, and steadfast optimism." Ron Hale I hope you enjoy the book, and find it helpful, Anne Hays Egan, Author of Moving Mama - from Amzon 
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