Understanding with Compassion: Help for Family and Caregivers of a Brain Illness Patient

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Understanding That There Is Still Much More Life to Live Every DayWhen a family member or friend is diagnosed with a brain illness (such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, or brain cancer), life as you know it has stopped. As changes become more apparent, the patient may look the same and sound the same—but he or she is not the same. In short, the essence of your loved one can gradually fade away, even as he or she continues to live. Joni Aldrich and Neysa Peterson know this firsthand: They both cared for a spouse with a brain illness and know the difficulties of day-to-day living with the patient (who may not be patient). How you adapt and deal with the change are critical to both the health and welfare of the caregiver and care receiver. That’s why Joni and Neysa have combined their insights in this straight-talking guide to help others in their own journeys—to provide insight, shared experiences, and understanding…with compassion.Readers will learn:• How to create and maintain a warm, comfortable, and safe environment.• How the caregiver can adapt to a constantly changing care receiver over the course of what may be years or decades.• How to respond to personality and behavioral changes, including loss of social inhibition skills.• How to guard your heart against emotional direct hits.• How to handle issues related to changes in memory, the resulting confusion, and wandering.• How to work through indifference, sadness, and depression towards some peace.• How to cope with destructive behavior—safety is your number one concern!You can continue to love and be loved as you brave the days that follow a brain illness diagnosis. Understanding with Compassion lightens your burden by providing tools to help caregivers and care receivers alike make the most of the journey that lies ahead.Praise for Understanding with Compassion:“I wish I’d had Understanding with Compassion during my mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Joni and Neysa’s book looks at brain disease in a logical, thought-provoking, and loving way. I felt like I was talking with a friend who decided to educate me, hold my hand when I became desperate, and offer me advice when I didn’t know where to turn. It brought me solace to know that the emotions we felt were the same emotions felt by others. We adored my mother and respected her throughout the ordeal. This book doesn’t let us lose sight of the fact that the person we love is still inside. Thank you, Joni, for loving your husband and yourself enough to do this for all of us.”~Ellen Brazer, Author of Clouds Across the Sun“From the hearts and experiences of two authors who suffered through the brain illness and death of their beloved husbands comes a valuable new book for caregivers and loved ones of dementia patients. In addition to providing a comprehensive guide to the complex medical, legal, and practical issues involved in dementia illnesses, Joni addresses the emotional upheaval of relationships affected by dementia with sensitivity and understanding, especially as it relates to a marriage. She writes, ‘The brain is complex, and the heart is fragile’—and she addresses both with intelligence and compassion.”~Terri Corcoran, Co-editor, Mainstay; Public Relations Chair for Well Spouse™ Association“I have had Joni Aldrich on my radio show twice. She was kind enough to send me copies of all her books. Her own story with Gordon is awe-inspiring—and, equally important, valuable for anyone. Her books are about not just surviving, but flourishing in the midst of terrible tragedy. She not only gives you compassionate, loving help, but she has created resources to take you through every step of the process of being a caregiver—and receiver. She needs to be read and heard.”~Robert Rose, PhD, Author of Creating Your Giant Self and The Complete Teacher - from Amzon 
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